ARTIST SALON “Murid Bosh” is a loose getting-to-know each other, initiated and organized by Berlin-based artist Boris Duhm. It’s „childrens´plays“ for grown-ups for „getting to know each other once more“ – artist-talks – Performance & Video Program – Dimm-lights & Chillout – Rest & Music for everyone.
In a Salon Hang á la Petersburg a whole flat will be full of art, from head to toe. Approx. 50 Berlin-based artists from at least 12 countries will exhibit exclusivly original works. The Salon Murid Bosh is a platform for exchange between artists and gallerists, collectors and curators.
Opening: 27th of January 2012, from 8 pm.
Artist Talk & Open View: Sunday, 29th of January 2012, 3 – 8 pm.
WHERE: Krossener Str. 28, 10245 Berlin (ring bell „Duhm“). [MAP]
I will show two pictures of the PublicCity-series that have never been shown before!
PubicCity No.12 (100x102cm, 2004)
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